How to connect with your prospects?

how to connect with prospects in network marketing

Connecting with network marketing prospects is an important part of any successful network marketing business. Here are some tips to help you succeed: 

Engage on social media – 

Use the search function on popular social media sites to find and connect with potential prospects.

Follow the C-suite –

 Follow the C-level executives of the company you’re trying to engage with to get an idea of what type of customers they have. 

Build relationships –

 Connecting with prospects via social media allows you to establish rapport and create meaningful relationships. 

Listen and ask questions –

 Listening to your prospects and asking questions is as important, if not more, than talking and telling them about your business. 

Provide insights –

 Through likes, comments, shares, and posts, provide your insights to prospects and current customers to increase engagement. 

Become a thought leader –

 Share your expertise and become a thought leader by delivering quality content and engaging with your audience. 

Offer value – 

Provide value to your prospects by answering their questions and offering useful advice. 

Take advantage of insights – 

Use analytics to track your progress and measure the success of your efforts.

meeting prospects in network marketing

If you're meeting someone in person these tips might help you:

Say 'Hi' and smile. Your Attitude should say, "I like you, I've come as a friend."

Be genuinely interested in people.

Look for things to compliment.

Find things in common that you can talk about.

Remember, people are interested in talking about themselves, their families, their ideas, etc.

Don't try to out-brag people. Ask questions and let them talk.

Learn to chit-chat. Small talk is not supposed to be brilliant.

Use F.O.R.M (Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message) to give format to your conversation.

Always have your own business card ready to give to someone you are talking to.

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