I mean in the current time if you look closely everyone is kind of not trying to convinced by someone. We became more cautious about things.
In Network marketing most of your associates will come from the "Stranger" group. Now think if you approach a stranger with the money-making plan, then what he will think first!
First, he'll doubt you and think what you're getting by joining him. In a simple sentence, he'll think that you're doing it only for your profit (not his).
Then you'll try to convince him by telling him the benefits he'll get. and blah blah....
This is the Traditional convince method. Convertion ratio is very low here. Also, there is a time constraint.
To make one sale, you may need to talk with 10 people. And to talk with one person, you need at least 30 mins, so to talk with 10 people you need 300 mins.
Sometimes, you may need to talk with a prospect multiple times to make him your associate.
I hope, now you're getting the time constraint in this method.
You may wonder sometimes how some people make a huge team in a very short span of time. Well, your query will be answered here.
You may remember talking to hundreds of people and telling them about the product, compensation plan, the opportunity, and everything else you thought is amazing about your company. But you aren't getting any results and got tired of hearing 'no'.
Now think of a situation, where people calling you and wanting to join you.
That's a huge difference. You don't have to hear "No! I'm not interested." kinds of things. People will seek you out, calling you, with a credit card in hand. It's such a wonderful feeling.
Pro Network Marketers call it the Attraction Method.
In this article, We'll talk about the skills we need to become that Pro Network Marketer.
And in the next article, we'll talk about the process or "How to" part.
Before attracting people to you and your business, you need some skills. These skills are fundamental and prerequisites of the attraction method.
Check out the skills for attracting people in network marketing business:
1. Public Speaking:
In Network marketing, we need constant and continuous communication with people. And to do that efficiently, you need to have some public speaking skills. A great public speaker attains the power to motivate his or her audience to do something, stop doing something, change a behaviour, or reach objectives. But to carry an idea forward, you must be able to excite and enliven your peers, associates, prospects, customers.
Learn Public Speaking Free of cost from Google: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage/course/public-speaking
2. Dynamic Personality:
2. Dynamic Personality:
The second secret to attracting people into your network marketing business is having a Dynamic personality. Simply put, it's what all top moneymakers in your company demonstrate. They seem to have an effect on people. They are passionate, caring, and confident. People are attracted to them. They understand the power of this concept and profit from it.
When you are passionate, caring, and confident, it radiates off you. People are able to sense it. This is what makes growing a network marketing business easy. People are attracted to you like a magnet. When you experience this, it's absolutely incredible.
Recommended Read:
3. Social Media Marketing:
Remember the time constraint?
When you're reaching people one by one to make the sale, it takes too long. So you need the interested people to contact with you. That makes the whole process lot easier. And to do that, We're going to use Social Media. You'll need some social media marketing strategy to reach more interested or who might be interested people in the process.
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Recommended Watch:
Focus on your personal growth besides your business. Because if you don't grow as a person, you can't sustain your success. Attend webinars, educational training, focus on self-improvement and read marketing books, online articles, and other sources that will expand your knowledge base.
Recommended Read:
5. Dream Big:
The only way for you to grow in the network marketing business is to have big goals and nurture them every day with hard work. When you dream big and have big goals, you will work harder and create a bigger game plan.
Recommended Read:
That's all for this article. The next article will be published on 15th July 2021.
Keep Reading - Keep Growing
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