Why students shouldn't join network marketing or MLM

should or shouldn't join network marketing if you are a student

Here are some points when you should not join network marketing if you're a student:

1. If you've some big plan with your study and wanna make something great in the field of your study. Then don't do it. 
To be a successful network marketer you have to give time to it and also you'll be facing so many rejections. Rejections are energy-draining for our mind. You may lose focus on your study. 

First time when I got my paycheck from my first MLM company, I was like I can do more. From the next month, I put more effort.
This can also happen to you. 
As student money should not be your primary focus, it should be "Learning".  But sadly, while doing network marketing we forgot that. You got so money minded. I'm not saying being money minded is bad. 
I'm saying if you become money-minded as a student, you lose the time to learn. 

2. If you don't want to lose your connection with your friends, then don't do it. Basically, 90 – 97% of people who you share the business to will reject you and some will even go to the extent of ridiculing you and some will lose your friendship. Imagine talking to 100 people and only 3 people say yes.
Also, you will be classified as "Network Marketing Guy" in your friend zone.  

The situation could be worse if your friends join the same company with you. And a few months/years later government seized the company. Now you think the consequences. 
Disclaimer: Before joining any company
Yeah, You'll earn some friends while doing MLM. But from my experience, they are friends from the workspace. 

3. You have to give your all to become successful in network marketing. According to the famous network marketer Lusabara Essau: 
97% of Network Marketers FAIL Period! Unless you’re willing to be in the 3%. Network Marketing isn’t for you.

4. Persistence and consistency are more crucial in the MLM industry. 

Consistency is important in network marketing

To be successful in this industry you have to persist. It's the first criteria according to the successful leaders.  

And the second criteria is consistently approaching new people. Whether they say 'Yes' or 'No' don't stop.  

Bill britt rejection story

5. As you earn money only when you or someone in your team make a sell. This sales figure fluctuates and your earning fluctuate with it. You might earn a $600 this month and get no money in the next month. Unlike an internship/job, you may not feel good for that. 

6. If you're shy then you have to a long way to go in this business. 
You have to master your communication skill to deal with different types of people. 

7. If you're an innovative person then you may face complications with your uplines. Network marketing leaders like duplication, very few of them like questioning. 

MLM decision quotes

These are some scenarios when you have to rethink your network marketing decision. But there are so many good things that can happen to you. To read more: 

Why You Should Get Involved In Network Marketing

Benefits of Doing MLM Except Making Money

(If you've any question regarding this industry then I and my network marketing connections are here. Don't worry. Just ask)

Useful Resources:

Why You Should Focus On Your Study - Landmarkedu.com

How To Focus On Studying - ThoughtCO

How To Stay Focused: Study Tips - TopUniversities

This article is completely based on my experience. You may have a different view and I welcome that. I know this article may not be relevant to everyone. But I also know for someone this article would be an eye-opener. Thank you for reading this article. If I can help you a bit kindly write down in the comment section. This means a lot to me.  

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