How to build awesome personality for network marketing business

scientific method for building awesome personality

Before building that awesome personality we have to know two questions:
  • What is Personality?
  • Why does it matter?

According to the American Psychological Association, 

Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

We can think of personality in two parts. One is "personality from inside" and the other one is "personality from outside".

Personality from the inside concerns your view of you, it concerns the person you think you are—it concerns your values, your hopes, your goals, your dreams, your aspirations, your fears, and the things you think you need to do to realize your goals and avoid your fears.
Personality from inside refers to a person's identity.

Personality from outside concerns our view of you, the person we think you are. We refer to this as your reputation.

So why it matters in MLM business?
A great personality can help you to progress in this business. People will want to join you if you have a good rapport with them. If you have a good personality your upline will want to spend time with you. And you already know the role of upline in this business. 

If you don't know read it now: Role of upline in Network Marketing Business.

Your look is god-gifted but your personality is what you can build in your own style. And that makes you unique and interesting. That grabs the attention of family, friends, and audience. So whenever you talk with a stranger you'll build a good relationship with your awesome personality.

How to build an awesome personality that is destined to succeed in business as well as life?

5i formula for personality development in MLM business

These are the core skills for building and evaluating an awesome personality. You can also use this formula to evaluate yourself or another person.

The 5i Formula For Network Marketing

Increase Your Intelligence: 
Intelligence is a very general trait of mental capacity. Intelligence involves the ability to think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, reason, plan, resolve problems, act, and learn from experience. 

Change destroys old ways and simultaneously creates new opportunities. It takes intelligence to cope with change, to extrapolate its consequences, and to seize opportunities created. 
women using intelligence in direct selling

  • Do you recognize the changes in your business and the external environment and simultaneously conceptualize strategic responses to seize the created opportunities? 
In this rapidly changing world, traditional approaches soon become obsolete, but intelligence does not.

Maybe you are more intelligent than the average people which sometimes leads to intellectual arrogance. Remember, arrogant individuals, create social interaction issues. Your arrogance can break your team. 

The business philosopher, Dr Peter F. Drucker, frequently reminded his MBA students that, "A little humility goes a long way in working with others." 

There are multiple ways to increase or improve intelligence. Intelligence is reflected by your willingness to learn.
  • You can ask yourself, "What are the things that I have recently learned, why I learned it, how I went about learning it and having learned it what did I do?"
According to the researchers, this self-exploration can be very effective if you do it regularly.  

You can also read the following scientific article from INC to raise your intelligence level.

Use Your Imagination:
Imagination is a trait that is hard to define but you know it when you see it. 
use of imagination in network marketing

Imagination is the ability to think abstractly, analyze an issue, and conceptualize how to address it. It is the ability to see a pragmatic fix to a problem or seize an opportunity effectively and efficiently. 

There are two traits to identify imagination. The first trait is the ability to think conceptually at a relatively abstract level. This will permit you to get to the core of the issue. The second trait is the ability and willingness to think "outside the box".

Take More Initiative:
Initiative is important since having analyzed the issues and imagined a solution; it is now time to act. 
Action, not analysis, creates results. 
In network marketing, you have to work with mainly two types of people. Who takes initiative and who just hang in there. If you're the "taking initiative" type then you're going to be very successful. 

are you initiating action to combat strategic threats and to seize opportunities? 
You must be the individual who comes with solutions, not problems. 
If you're still afraid to take initiative then the read following article.

Utilize Interpersonal Skill and emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence has two components. The first element of emotional maturity is the understanding of self. 

  • Do you understand your own unique strengths and weaknesses? 
  • Can you make the tough calls when the business situation necessitates emotional toughness? 
Interpersonal Skill in network marketing

The second element of emotional maturity is the understanding of and the ability to empathize with others. 
  • Do you have the emotional maturity to deal effectively with people, who are different from you? 

An emotionally intelligent leader deals effectively with the high touch human issues in today's high-tech world.
  • Do you have the emotional maturity and interpersonal skills to deal with a wide variety of personalities and cultures? 
  • Can you deal effectively with the introverted leaders as well as the extroverted leaders?
  • Do you have the emotional intelligence to recognize the cultural differences among your teams as well as global cultural differences?
If you have a global team then you must be aware of different interpersonal approaches. An interpersonal approach of what is acceptable in the United States may crash in India. 

Here are a few steps on how to increase your emotional intelligence:
  1. Use an assertive style for communicating
  2. Instead of reacting, respond
  3. Utilize active listening skill
  4. Stay motivated
  5. Practice self-awareness
  6. Empathize with others

Keep Up Your Integrity:
Integrity is the ability to apply all is' together to do the right thing for both the individual and the organization.
Integrity is grounded in your character. Honesty and integrity have special significance for Entrepreneurs and Network Marketers. Honesty is being truthful and principled. Leadership is ultimately based on trust, honesty, and integrity between the leader and the associates.

 Members of a team must trust their respective upline (leader) to follow. The team will not follow an individual lacking in integrity. 

Where there is a lack of trust, people will not trust or believe you. Team members always assess their team leader's integrity. They assess their leader by whether he or she values others by just watching what the leader does and the impact on both the team and it's tasking (Kotter, 1990).

 A leader with integrity generates trust and respect but also acts as the role model for his or her team. The executive with integrity sets the tone for those led. 
Conclusion: A great personality is a must-have for every successful people. To build a great personality one has to focus on these skills:
Intelligence, Imagination, Initiative, Interpersonal skill, Integrity. These skills are together called "5i Formula"

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