FORM Formula in network marketing - MLMencyclopedia


In network marketing, it's very essential to communicate efficiently with people. But a newbie doesn't know what to talk about. Most of the time they failed to get that good experience of talking. So experts make this formula to help people to have good conversation and make relationships. 

Importance of a communication formula:

  • Network marketing is also referred to as Relationship marketing, so it is very important to make relationships with people. Not everyone will join your business, but relationships with people will help you in other ways. 

  • This formula will make people think that you're interested in their life. And when someone feels valuable, they make you valuable. If you have good name and fame in the society, then you're using this formula unknowingly. 

  • This formula will also help you to make good relationships with newly joined associates. 

  • According to experts, People who are applying this formula in their life, They're liked and loved by everyone. 

As Famous writer and interpersonal skill expert Dale Carnegie said:


F -> Family -> Usually people love talking about the things that they like or love. After the initial greeting or introduction, you can start conversation about their Family (First word of FORM formula). Here are some example questions:

Where are you from? (If you know something good about the place then convey) 
(Important: Don't throw any negative comment)
Are you married? If yes then ask how many children he/she has? Ask about their children 
How old they are? What do they do? Also, share your own information regarding these questions.
Otherwise, it will seem like an interview. But don't brag. 
Family in FORM formula

One more thing you can to do make the person feel more valuable. You can ask for advice about the neighbourhood, kids, family etc that you found something similar. 

O -> Occupation -> Next topic is Occupation. If they talked about their family, neighbourhood and kids then they're more likely to share more details. You can ask about their Occupation, like -
What do you do for living?
ask about what they don't like about the current work?
Where they have to go to work? is it too far? How many hours you have to work?
What do you like about your job?
different types of occupation FORM formula

Maybe from this topic, you'll find something common. You may want to pursue his/her profession in the past. At this point, they maybe want to know about your profession. (Tell them what do you do: obviously network marketing) 

R -> Recreation ->  People also love to talk about things/activities they like to do or going to do. You can ask questions on recreation topic, like -
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Where do you like to go/travel in spare time?
Do you play any sports?
You can ask for suggestions: Where I can take my kids for fun?
What are your hobbies?
How much time you have to do these activities?
Form formula recreation in network marketing

Note: If you find something similar, talk about it. 

M -> Message -> The last word of FORM formula stands for Message. If you listen to them carefully, then you know what drives them. 

Ultimately ask them if they didn't have to work every day OR if time and money weren't an issue what would they be doing right now.  Also, what would they do with their time?
Many would say they would spend more time with family, more vacationing, build a vacation home, etc.  By now you would've gathered enough information to know how you can help a person with your opportunity.
FORM formula message
Message: FORM Formula
By this time you would be able to process how your opportunity can help them in their personal situation.  At this point you can:
  • Schedule a meeting
  • Give them your card
  • If time permits show them your opportunity right then and there.

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