Importance of Upline in network marketing system - mlmencyclopedia

Importance of upline in network marketing
As a network marketer, it's exciting to try new plans and ways to join people in your business. However, the reality is that you don't know which plan will bring what result? or what should be doing with your business at which time?

In network marketing, you're having many uplines. But who to listen and whom to not. Listen to your successful uplines, who has a great team, who attend every meeting/seminar, who shows presentation regularly. And these uplines will help you to build your business to the next level.

Here are the reasons why you need Uplines:-

1. Upline Provide Information and Knowledge: 

As Benjamin Franklin said -
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn" 
When I started network marketing, I had no idea how to show a good presentation, how to attract people, how to do prospecting, how to create dream team, how to lead people, etc. Basically, I started with zero knowledge about the industry. With an upline there from the start, I tapped into the wealth of knowledge and I learned faster with my upline. 

2. Uplines are free, which makes them priceless:

Typically, this coaching/mentoring process will grow automatically with your upline(s). An upline does not do it directly for money. Instead, they're doing it for the satisfaction of helping other people and getting the delayed gratification (If you become a good leader, then their workload will be reduced). Upline will guide you to the great resources(Books, Cds, Videos etc). 

3. Upline(s) have the experience, you can learn from them to avoid doing beginners' mistake:

Upline mentorship in multi level marketing

4. Upline(s) help you to get out from your comfort zone to work for your success. We all are prone to stay in the comfort zone, that doesn't bring success. Upline(s) can involve you, and make you work for your success at the same time.

5. Upline(s) will encourage you that will help you to keep going. 

6. Upline(s) will help you to set priorities for building a successful business. As a starter, you don't know which work to do first and which to do last. Your upline can help you through the journey.

7. Upline Mentor is your trusted adviser: As they know everything about your personal and professional life, only they can guide you properly. 

I'm very fortunate to have a great line upline(s) and now in a position to help others. 

Learning and listening from upline(s) is not a sign of weakness, it shows you're smart enough and driven enough for your success.

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Learning Process - MLMencyclopedia

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