How to talk to strangers in network marketing - MLM Encyclopedia


When there is no product and people there is no business.
The business consists of product and people. In network marketing we have products. We just need to find people who gonna buy the products.

So finding more and more people will increase your business to the next level. Now the question is how to find more and more people?

To find more and more prospects there is a formula: FRIENDS Formula

Friends - Relatives - Institutional - Employee - Neighbours -  Strangers

In the above category which kind of people are most in your list?

Obviously Stranger.

You knew a few, but the world is very huge.

So most importantly, strangers are the main component of your business. It is very required to talk to them.

Here I'm going to give you the formula of "Talking to anyone in the world".

This formula is called: FORM Formula.
What does FORM mean?

F --> Family
O --> Occupation
R --> Recreation
M --> Message


Start your conversation about family. Like, how many members in your family?
Where is your father?  


Ask for - 
 which profession they are in? 
Do they like their jobs ?
Are they looking for opportunities?
What kind of job they would like?

Make a simple conversation over this topic. 


Recreation means what you do in your leisure time?
Ask for his/her hobbies. Appreciate if there's any scope. And also find "Me too". Find you both likes and start a conversation over it.

This is the most part when you're talking with a stranger.
In this part - 
You have to leave a  good impression.

So how to give a message:

1. Look at the person
2. Speak clearly
3. Use a suitable voice for the distance
4. Do not speak fast

What to give in the message:
1. As you understand him/her based on the previous conversation and understand his/her needs. Now tell him You know someone very close to you. Who are enjoying all the things they demands.
2. At the time leaving, Say - "nice to meet you, you're a good person". Say something positive and encouraging. 
(Caution: Say only if he/she deserves)

Wish You Good Luck.
All the best